Marshall Fire Response and Recovery

Longterm Recovery led by Marshall ROC (Restoring Our Community)

Recovery Navigation Final Report – Boulder County

Marshall ROC is a coalition of community organizations, funders, and government agencies bound together by the common interest: Helping our neighbors, particularly those who are most in need. Marshall ROC is led by the community of participating organizations, in collaboration with government representatives. Many organizations in the surrounding communities offered their help after the Marshall Fire. Coordinating these efforts is challenging, but important. Marshall ROC is structured as a Long Term Recovery Group (LTRG), which is a nationally recognized, tried-and-true method for coordinating limited money, muscle, and materials among multiple organizations, on behalf of individuals and communities impacted by disaster.

The Marshall ROC (Restoring Our Community) Mission
The mission of Marshall ROC is to support and empower individuals and households affected by the Marshall Fire and windstorm to lead their own recoveries by identifying needs and coordinating assistance on their behalf. Marshall ROC is a collaborative coalition of existing agencies and all Marshall ROC related services will be provided without regard to race, creed, color, gender, disability, religious or political affiliation, documentation status, or sexual orientation.

Disasters are, by their nature, overwhelming. If it wasn’t overwhelming, we’d call it an inconvenience, not a disaster. The Marshall Fire and Windstorm is overwhelming. Our neighbors lost hundreds of millions of dollars worth of property and belongings. So many individuals and organizations have rallied to help and it is inspiring to see how engaged and supportive the communities responding to this disaster have been. However, it is now clear the need is greater than the available resources. Marshall ROC and its participating organizations will work to help as many people as possible, while managing community expectations.

Marshall ROC consists of several committees, each with a coordinating mission:

  • Disaster Case Management Committee
  • Donation Management Committee
  • Mental Health, Emotional, and Spiritual Care Committee
  • Short-Term Housing Committee
  • Volunteer Management Committee
  • Unmet Needs Committee

Wildfire Recovery Guide
Boulder’s Colorado State University Extension has put together a Wildfire Recovery Guide to help navigate the recovery process. This guidebook covers topics such as returning to your property, cleaning and debris management, mental health, and more.

Red Cross Disaster Recovery Guide
Learn how the American Red Cross can assist you and your family with lodging, clothing, food, and other emergency disaster-related needs through the Red Cross Disaster Recovery Guide.

Small Business Tool Kit
The Economic Disaster Recovery Project has put together a Guide to Recovery following a disaster for small businesses. This roadmap to recovery covers small business assistance, business retention in a disaster, assessing the economic impact of the disaster, and more.

Volunteer Needs & Information

Prepare to consciously volunteer with Mile High United Way Trauma-Informed Care Volunteer Training (Marshall Fire).

Sign up for the Colorado Responds e-newsletter to receive the most current information on volunteer and donation needs what needs to be done, when and what skills are needed plus what donations are neededClick here.

Agencies: Visit this site to post volunteer opportunities. 

Volunteers: Visit this site to sign up for opportunities.



  • ARES
  • Catholic Charities
  • Food Bank of the Rockies
  • Hope, Animal-Assisted Crisis Response
  • Mariner Humane Society
  • Samaritan’s Purse
  • A Precious Child
  • Billy Graham Evangelic Association
  • Black Forest Together 
  • Calvary Relief
  • Colorado Rangers
  • Convoy of Hope
  • Crisis Cleanup:
  • Food Bank of the Rockies
  • Food Bank of Larimer County
  • Goodwill of Colorado
  • Habitat for Humanity
  • Hope Restored
  • ICNA Relief
  • Jewish Colorado
  • Larimer Humane Society
  • Medical Reserve Corps
  • Omega Responders
  • Serve Colorado
  • The Independence Center
  • Village Seven Presbyterian Church
  • World Renew

Government Partners:

  • Colorado Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Management (DHSEM)
  • FEMA Region 8
  • Colorado Emergency Management Association (CEMA)
  • Colorado Department of Human Services
  • Colorado Crisis Education and Response Network 
  • Ready
  • Ready Colorado
  • Colorado Business Emergency Operations Center
  • Citizen Corps
  • Administration for Children and Families
  • National Weather Service